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Engineering (PLTW)

CTE Programs


Career & Technical Education is designed as part of Norwalk's career preparation system to provide learners with experiences, knowledge, and skills that will prepare them to choose and obtain employment upon high school completion.


Students will gain:

  • Core Academic Skills
  • Employment (Soft) Skills
  • Technical Job Specific Skills


Students will experience:

  • Work-Based Learning
  • Field Trips
  • Guest Speakers
  • Job Shadowing/Internship Opportunities


Students will earn:

  • Honors course GPA point
  • College Credit (through Cerritos College) - if grade requirements are met.





Click below for a video presentation on the Engineering Pathway...





Norwalk High School is a partner provider of the Project Lead the Way Engineering Program. All courses listed below follow the PLTW curriculum.




IED - Introduction to Engineering Design

DESCRIPTION: Students will utilize the engineering design process, applying math, science and engineering standards to hands-on projects.  They will work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software, and document their work in engineering notebook.  The instruction, assessment and communication in this course is delivered in an “on-line” learning environment.  Students will be required to have internet access outside of class to complete assignments and assessment.


POE- Principles of Engineering (Honors)

DESCRIPTION:  Students will solve engineering problems that engage and challenge, students to explore a broad range of engineering topics including energy, electronics, materials, structures, control systems, fluid power, robotics, statistics and kinematics.  Students develop skills in problem solving research, and design while learning design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation. The instruction, assessment and communication in this course is delivered in an “on-line” learning environment.  Students will be required to have internet access outside of class to complete assignments and assessments. 


CEA - Civil Engineering & Architecture (Honors)

DESCRIPTION: This course involves important aspects of building and site design and development. Students will apply math, science, and standard engineering practices to design both residential and commercial projects and document their work using 3D architecture design software. The intent of this course is to expose the design and construction of residential and commercial building projects, design teams and teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation.


EDD - Engineering Design & Development (Honors)

DESCRIPTION: This is the capstone course in the PLTW High School Engineering Program.  It is an engineering research course in which students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying then engineering design process. Students who have completed the ES course can select projects from one of the disciplines they specialized in. Students apply the professional skills they have developed to be ready to take on any post-secondary program or career. Students will be required to have internet access outside of class to complete assignments and assessments.